Jean Montgomery

Board Chair

I am thrilled to serve on the South Coast Wellness Board.
I am passionate about working together with a great team contributing to optimum mental health and wellness for our community.

Brian Davis

Board Vice Chair

He is a retired professional, having served in a variety of leadership roles within the community health and housing sectors. Addressing the crisis of homelessness, supporting mental health recovery and reducing the harm of substance usage has always been a key focus of his over 25-year career. Now settled in beautiful Norfolk County he’s excited to be supporting the fulfilment of South Coast Wellness’ mission and vision.

Evan Drescher

Board Treasurer

“Hi, my name is Evan Drescher, I have been the treasure on the board since 2020. I was born and raised in Simcoe and graduated from SCS in 2014. I am currently a CPA (Chartered Professional Accountant) and I am honoured to use my education to help (CAMHS’s new name) reach their financial and non financial goals. Thank you!”

Laurie Giancola

Laurie has lived in both Haldimand and Norfolk Counties for most of her life. Her background is in behavioural sciences, and she has worked in a number of social services agencies in the area, for the last 40 years. Currently, and for the last 21 years, she has been working at a local child and youth mental health organization.

Laurie has served on the boards of Haldimand Norfolk Women’s Service, Haldimand Norfolk Community Addictions and Mental Health Services and she is happy to be returning as a member of the South Coast Wellness board of directors.

Jennifer Schooley

Board Secretary

Jennifer is a fourth generation farmer here in Norfolk County, living a few cornfields away from the farm with her husband and brood of six. Prior to taking on the family farm full time, Jenn worked for a local Children’s Mental Health Agency for nearly two decades in a variety of roles and is a passionate advocate for services that address the various mental health needs across rural Ontario. She’s deeply involved in various agricultural Boards and Committees across her community, and can see the unmet needs of those families, strengthening her resolve to help make a difference through the work of this Board

Jodi Kays

Jodi is a dedicated public servant with 30 years of policing experience. Proud Haldimand County resident, raising three children and actively engaged in the community. Committed to South Coast Wellness, advocating for addiction and mental health resources.

Kim Burns

Kim Burns (she/her), HBSc Psych Spec, MSW
Kim brings a wealth of experience in the field of Social Work to our Board. Her extensive leadership experience equips her to navigate the complexities of our community, recognizing both its strengths and weaknesses. Kim’s understanding of systems, legislation, and government policies enables her to address challenges head-on. She champions inclusive leadership that promote equity, rights-based approaches, and anti-oppressive practices.

Lynn Abbey

Lynn is a retired educator from Simcoe and is committed to supporting her community. She enjoys volunteering with a variety of organizations and is proud to support the work of this board. In her free time, Lynn enjoys travel and is often searching for her next destination.

Sarah Ojonugwa Godfrey

Sarah Ojonugwa Godfrey is the Founder and President of Jesus Girls International Foundation a Charity Organisation that seeks to bring stability, healings, restoration of hope, re-orientation, imbibing the culture of diligence, dignity of labor, integrity, practicable skills acquisitions, getting right education, building self-worth/self-esteem of the total woman for a saner society holistically and enhance the total well-being of the women folks.

Tom Morrison

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